Call for Contributions

We cordially invite researchers and educators to submit their recent results to our Conference!

Few introductory words about the process can be helpful for prospective authors. First step is the submission of Extended Abstracts for the review. After acceptance, authors can prepare and submit their final scientific Contributions, that is, Full Papers or/and Posters. Only Extended Abstracts will be reviewed. However, the final contributions might be also reviewed, if necessary. Submission of Posters as final contributions is encouraged in this edition, we prepared a graphic template also for them (soon available), and three Plenary Poster Sessions are scheduled for their presentation. ExtendedAbstracts will be published with ISBN on the Book of Abstracts. Full Papers and Posters will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer as SCOPUS records.

More info about scientific Contributions can be found in the following list of topics and subtopics below.

Even few words about the Submissions can be spent here:
– Extended Abstracts will be submitted via EasyChair.
– Final Contributions, that is, Full Papers and Posters, will be submitted via email to

In order to publish on the Conference Proceedings, for each final contribution, be it a Full Paper or a Poster, the ICGG2018-Copyright Transfer Form (available soon on the submission webpage) is required, filled and signed in.

More info about the submission process can be found at the submission webpage.


As mentioned in the Homepage, the spectrum of the Conference ranges from theoretical research to application, including education, in several fields of art, science, technique. The ICGG 2018 will mainly focus on the following topics and subtopics:

Theoretical Graphics and Geometry
Theoretical Graphics
Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Kinematic Geometry
Descriptive Geometry
Computer Aided Geometric Design

Applied Geometry and Graphics
Theoretical Aspects of Geometry
Modeling of Objects, Phenomena and Processes
Application of Geometry in Arts, Sciences, Architecture, and Engineering
Geometric Aspects of Technical Art and Design
Computer Animation and Games
Graphic simulation in Urban and Territorial Studies
Aspects of Geometry and Graphics in Life Sciences


Engineering Computer Graphics
Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Computational Geometry
Geometric and Solid Modeling
Product Modeling
Image Synthesis
Pattern Recognition
Digital Image Processing
Graphics Standards
Scientific and Technical Visualization

Graphics Education
Education of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics
Education Technology Research
Multimedia Educational Software Development
Virtual Reality
Educational System
Educational Software Development Tool
MOOCs and Emerging Classics

Geometry and Graphics in History
Concepts of Space and Geometry
Development of Geometry and Graphics
Treatises and manuals
Masters and Pioneers

Besides the topics listed above, the conference is open for any contributions related to Geometry and Graphics.

In this edition, together with the consolidated topics and subtopics, Graphic Simulation in Urban and Territorial Studies, and Aspects of Geometry and Graphics in Life Sciences have been proposed, as subtopics of Applied Geometry and Graphics, as well as MOOCs and Emerging Classics as a subtopic of Graphics Education. Coherently with the dedication, inspired by the links between retrospects and prospects in our field, Geometry and Graphics in History has also been included as a new Topic with subtopics in this edition.

As already said before, we cordially invite researchers and educators to present their recent results and experiences at our Conference!


Early contributions: extended abstracts

Prospective authors are invited to submit Extended Abstracts related to the topics listed above. Since a limited number of lectures can be scheduled, the submitted abstracts will be selected through a peer-review process. An Extended Abstract must be a maximum of 2 pages with 300 to 500 words including figures. The approved abstracts will be published on the Printed Abstract Proceedings. Please, do not exceed the two pages, in this case additional costs might be charged to the authors.
Although succinct, an Extended Abstract is a relevant document, since on its approval depends your participation in the conference as a speaker and the publication of your contribution in the Conference Proceedings. Furthermore, since your Extended Abstract will be printed in the Printed Abstract Proceedings, prepare it according to the given formatting instructions. Instructions can be found, and templates can be downloaded at the submission page.
In order to have your Extended Abstract Published in the Proceedings, remember that:

Submission of the Extended Abstracts is closed (info/queries to:

Call for Contributions

Final contrubutions: full papers and posters, and their presentation

Final contributions will be included in the Proceedings of the ICGG 2018, which will be published by Springer and indexed as SCOPUS records. Starting from August 3rd, 2018, the eBook of the Proceedings will be open access and downloadable for free from this website for 5 weeks.

After the approval of the Extended Abstracts, the authors can prepare their final contributions, Full Papers or Posters, which must be original and unpublished. Final contributions will be consistent with the submitted Extended Abstracts, and will take into account relevant remarks by the reviewer, if any. Upon the reviewers’ request, final contributions may also be reviewed. Therefore, the Final Contributions for the Conference Proceedings can be developed as:

Camera-ready Full Papers or Camera-ready Posters

In addition, Posters will also be formatted as printable boards in the size A0 for the public presentation, and this additional version will be included in the Book of Abstracts.

Instructions and templates available on the submission page.

Late registration is not valid for the publication in the Conference Proceedings.
All the Final Contributions will be presented by the authors at the Conference, according to the final program: full papers will be presented in Lectures scheduled in the Technical Sessions, lasting 20 minutes each, including 15 minutes for the speech and 5 more minutes for question time.
Posters will be presented in Short Lectures in Plenary Sessions, lasting about 2 minutes each, at the end of the presentations 5 minutes will be deserved for short questions to the authors.
Questions to the authors could be also asked during the Plenary TS Reports, the round tables leaded by the Session Chairs at the end of each day.
All the final contributions, that is Full Papers and Posters, will be included in the Full proceedings on USB key, published by Springer and indexed as SCOPUS records.
Elected papers will be invited to submit to the Journal for Geometry and Graphics (JGG).
Authors have to present their contributions in person, presentations via internet or video will not be admitted.
Before presenting their contribution, authors must be in line with the payment, in absence of payment presentations will be canceled from the program and the certificate of attendance can not be issued.