We cordially invite researchers and educators to submit their recent results to our Conference!
Few introductory words about the process can be helpful for prospective authors. First step is the submission of Extended Abstracts for the review. After acceptance, authors can prepare and submit their final scientific Contributions, that is, Full Papers or/and Posters. Only Extended Abstracts will be reviewed. However, the final contributions might be also reviewed, if necessary. Submission of Posters as final contributions is encouraged in this edition, we prepared a graphic template also for them (soon available), and three Plenary Poster Sessions are scheduled for their presentation. ExtendedAbstracts will be published with ISBN on the Book of Abstracts. Full Papers and Posters will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer as SCOPUS records.
More info about scientific Contributions can be found in the following list of topics and subtopics below.
Even few words about the Submissions can be spent here:
– Extended Abstracts will be submitted via EasyChair.
– Final Contributions, that is, Full Papers and Posters, will be submitted via email to icgg2018@polimi.it.
In order to publish on the Conference Proceedings, for each final contribution, be it a Full Paper or a Poster, the ICGG2018-Copyright Transfer Form (available soon on the submission webpage) is required, filled and signed in.
More info about the submission process can be found at the submission webpage.