We inform prospective authors that:
Extended Abstracts will be submitted via EasyChair.
Final Contributions, that is, Full Papers and Posters, will be submitted via email to icgg2018@polimi.it
Submission of the Extended Abstracts (closed)
The system used to submit Extended Abstracts is EasyChair.
In order to use the system an EasyChair account is required, therefore you can be in one of the following three situations:
you have already an EasyChair Account: just login to submit
you do not have yet an EasyChair Account: create one
you have and EasyChair Account but you forgot the password: retrieve the password
Submission of the extended abstracts
Extended Abstracts must be submitted by all the prospective authors, either they intend to submit a Full Paper as a final contribution, either they intend to submit a Poster as final contribution. Authors are invited to decide in advance which type of final contribution they want to prepare. In the Extended Abstract template authors are asked to indicate if they are planning to prepare a Full Paper or a Poster, by marking the corresponding box. Based on the reviewing process, reviewers might recommend authors to prepare Posters instead of Papers as final contributions (and vice versa, if it is the case). Author(s) can submit one or more than one Extended Abstract.
Extended Abstracts have to be uploaded as PDF format files, produced from the source files MSWord or LaTeX.
The templates for preparing the source file for the Extended Abstracts can be downloaded below.
Templates to download
for preparing Extended Abstracts
LaTeX format
ICGG2018-Extended Abstract-LaTeX.zip
Microsoft Word format
ICGG2018-Extended Abstract-MSWord.zip
Each compressed folder contains a pdf file, as a sample, produced from the source templates.
We kindly ask authors to accurately follow the formatting instructions in order that Printed Abstract Proceedings have a unitary style. Source file might also be request by the conference team, if necessary.
In order to have your Extended Abstract published in the Printed Abstract Proceedings, remember that:
deadline for the submission of the Extended Abstracts is January 29, 2018
deadline for the payment of the Conference Fee, are May 31, 2018 (Early Registration) or June 30 2018 (Registration)
Late Registration (after June 30, 2018) is not valid for the publication of the Extended Abstract in the Printed Abstract Proceedings.
Submission of the Final Contributions
(Full Papers and Posters)
As already mentioned on the page “Call for Papers”, after the notification of acceptance of the Extended Abstracts authors can prepare Full Papers or Posters as final contributions, according to their choice and according to the recommendations of the reviewers, if any. Upon the reviewers’ request, final contributions may also be reviewed. Both Full Papers and Posters will be published by Springer on the Proceedings of the ICGG2018 and indexed as Scopus records. Starting from August 3rd, 2018, the eBook of the Proceedings will be open access and downloadable for free from this website for 5 weeks. Below, authors will find the Springer formatting templates for Conference Proceedings to download, and the sending instructions.
In addition, Posters will also be formatted as printable boards in the size A0 for the public presentation, and this additional version will be included in the Book of Abstracts. Pre-formatted templates for preparing A0 printable Posters and the sending instructions are also linked below, at the end of the page.
LATEST DEADLINE for submitting final contributions (Full Papers and Posters) is May 15 2018. IMPORTANT: the publication on the Conference Proceedings cannot be guaranteed to contributions submitted after this latest deadline.
Deadline for the Conference Fee payment are May 31, 2018 (Early Registration) or June 30, 2018 (Registration). Late Registration (after June 30, 2018) is not valid for the publication of the final contributions on the Conference Proceedings.
In order to have the final contributions published on the Conference Proceedings, authors (at least the corresponding author) have to fill and sign in the following form, one for each final contribution submitted.
The form has to be saved as a PDF document and sent together with the related final contribution.
Manuscripts for camera-ready Full Papers will be 6 (minimum) to 12 (maximum) pages long, possibly consisting of an even number of pages.
Manuscripts for camera-ready Posters will be 4 pages long, including 1 figure only (image or composition of images), 11,9 cm wide and 11,5 cm high (so that figure may be the same appearing on the printable A0 Poster, of course reduced), and placed at the top of the third page.
We kindly invite authors to follow these instructions in order that the Proceedings have a unitary style.
Full Papers and Posters will be formatted based on the following downloadable Springer templates.
The zipped folders listed below contain the source templates to use (LaTeX and MSWord), pre-formatted by Springer in order to facilitate the correct compilation of the manuscript, and some PDF documents with instructions and samples, which can be consulted by the authors according to their needs.
LaTeX format for Full Paper and Poster
Microsoft Word format for Full Paper and Poster
LaTeX and MSWord templates here proposed are selected from the archive available on the official Springer webpage Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings.
Each final contribution will be saved both as source file, that is, LaTeX or MSWord document, and in PDF format, which will be sent in a compressed folder, together with the PDF Consent to Publish, to the email address: icgg2018@polimi.it by May 15, 2018.
Filename of compressed folder, as well as filenames of the documents contained in the folder, will include EasyChair submission number and family name of the author(s) (i.e. 005-Rossi-Tanaka-Silva).
Files exceeding 20MB (recommended maximum size) can be sent via WeTransfer to the same email address and within the same deadline.
Source file, PDF document, and Consent to Publish, may also be sent separately.
Contact us at icgg2018@polimi.it if you want to send further materials (i.e. 3D models, animations, movies, etc.), and of course for any queries.
Posters will be also presented as printed boards in the size A0 at the Conference, and the related files will be included in the Book of Abstracts. Printable Posters can be prepared as AdobePhotoshop or MSPowerPoint files. The source templates, pre-formatted to be printed as A0 boards, can be downloaded from the following links, also containing PDF files as samples.
Adobe Photoshop format for A0 printable Poster
Microsoft Power Point format for A0 printable Poster
Each formatted Poster will be saved both as source file, that is, AdobeProtoshop or MSPowerPoint document, and in PDF format, then it will be sent in a compressed folder to the email address: icgg2018@polimi.it by May 15, 2018.
Filename of compressed folder will include EasyChair submission number, the information “A0poster”, and the family name of the author(s) (i.e. 005-A0poster-Rossi-Tanaka-Silva)
Files exceeding 20MB (recommended maximum size) can be sent via WeTransfer (linkare a https://wetransfer.com) to icgg2018@polimi.it
Source file and PDF document may also be sent separately
Contact us at icgg2018@polimi.it if you want to send further materials (i.e. 3D models, animations, movies, etc.), and of course for any queries.
The Posters in the size A0 will be printed by the ICGG2018 Organizing Committee, which will support the printing costs.